Weight Watchers myWW Purple Plan. Will It Work?

The new myWW Purple Plan really emphasizes the health value of sometimes controversial food choices while still maintaining a balance by way of a SmartPoints budget.



Now, more than ever before, specific support groups for your colored plan are key to finding success. You’ll find color coded recipes, tons of fellow colored plan members, and plenty of community support for each plan option.

To save you a search, we’ve compiled some sources of plan specific support in the links below.

Natasha Summar "Always A Fantastic Day Of Food"

My WW Purple Plan, what to expect & who is this good for.

Barrett Pastor "Living Life On Track"

WW Purple Plan weigh in

ZeroPoint Foods

With Purple, you will get the largest list of zero points foods at over 300 choices including things like whole grain pasta and starchy vegetables like potatoes.

For some, this is a bit of a shock to the system. But for those who love these foods and feel they can do a good job of regulating portions, Purple is manna from heaven.

How Many Points Do I Get On WW Purple Plan

While this isn't the official myWW calculator, it’s so close you shouldn’t notice a difference. This calculator will help you figure out the daily and weekly points you can eat on the Purple Plan, your points allowance.

As you might expect, the abundant freedom provided by the largest zero points foods list (300+) is balanced with the smallest of the SmartPoints budgets. At just 16 minimum SmartPoints provided, Purple Plan users are guided toward making a healthy lifestyle predominantly from the zero points foods list while minimally supplementing using SmartPoints.

What the Purple Plan really teaches us is that all nutritional foods (even those that have been banned from some diets for years) are good for you when portion control is employed.

Who Is The MyWW Purple Plan Designed For?

You might be wondering which plan is likely to help you lose the most weight. The answer is the plan that best suits your personality, habits, and preferences.

If tracking everything you eat is the bane of your existence, the Purple Plan is definitely for you. Simply use common sense and portion control to eat from the zero points foods list, and track the things that didn’t make the list.

The downside? Some users simply cannot allow the temptation of pasta, rice, and potatoes as a zero point food. This is totally understandable and part of the reason why there are now three plans with myWW. If you try Purple but do not like it, simply switch to one of the other two plans.

Every plan is well-equipped to help users lose weight. Research has shown that each plan provides the foundation of good eating habits and the parameters to allow for learning to make healthy choices. You simply have to choose the plan that makes the most sense for you and the lifestyle you want to achieve.

Nevertheless, if you are still unsure which plan to choose, the Purple Plan is;

  • For those who had success using the old Simply Filling plan
  • For those who had success using the previous Freestyle program
  • For those who dislike measuring and tracking food
  • For those who enjoy eating brown rice, quinoa, whole grains and potatoes
  • For those who like to eat chicken, eggs, seafood
  • For those who want an extensive list of go-to foods
  • For those who believe weight loss is a lifestyle change and want to learn to eat for life (clean and wholesome diet)
  • For those who understand their body and recognize the difference between feeling hungry, full and overfull
  • For those on maintenance

Purple Plan Review ~ Nadia

"Even though I’ve seen lots of people express disbelief that the Purple Plan could ever help them lose weight, I know it is the right plan for me and here is why:

For starters, don’t get me wrong, I can completely understand the hesitation when it comes to embracing a weight loss plan that allows eating as many potatoes as I want. But WW promises that weight loss is possible on any of the three plans and I believe it.

Purple works for me, and my stage of weight loss, because the balance of tracking to not tracking is just right for me. I despise tracking food. I’m always questioning myself when it comes to how and what to measure and second-guessing whether I’m doing it correctly. With the Purple Plan, I have so little tracking to do that it makes sticking to the plan simpler and easier for me.

While I generally don’t want to track food at all, I also know myself well enough to know that weight loss simply won’t happen for me without it. Purple gives me the freedom to track only the indulgent elements of my eating habits, keeping me in check when it comes to things like sweets and use of fats.

I know you’re still wondering about the potato thing. So, here’s my answer to that: potatoes, and most starches for that matter, are simply not that delicious on their own. I’d still have to track every bit of oil, butter, bacon, cheese, or sauce I put on those dry starches to make them yummy. Do I eat potatoes? Yes. But I’m certainly not gorging myself on them or even eating them daily. My low points allowance makes it simple for me to decide between eating one doctored up potato or a whole bowl of delicious roasted veggies."

How Does the Purple Plan Compare to Simply Filling?

If you’ve been with WW long enough to remember Simply Filling, you might be thinking how similar the new myWW Purple Plan sounds. We thought you’d like to see exactly what is different between these two plans to help you see if Purple is right for you.

The Simply Filling plan had a large list of foods that required no tracking. As long as you predominantly stuck to these foods, you would only track minimally by employing the use of your weekly points allowance (also supplemented by activity/fit points).

Similarly, Purple plan has an extensive list of zero points foods (that require no tracking). However, with Purple, the expectation is no longer that you eat almost exclusively from the list.

Instead, you get daily SmartPoints, Weekly SmartPoints, rollover points within each week, and FitPoints. This plan is intended to give you a “pantry” of sorts that you can build nutritional meals from with as little tracking necessary.

Purple Plan Vs Simply Filling

Now, let’s dive into some of the key things that make Purple different from Simply Filling. Unlike Simply Filling, the Purple Plan does not include things like breads, wraps, muffins, etc. on the zero points list.

Instead in its place are wholewheat pasta, grains, and potatoes.

Additionally, no prepared soups, oils and fats, fat-free dressings, or cereals make the list.

Perhaps one of the biggest differences comes from the protein and dairy section. You will not find pork, beef, ham, or any fat free dairy options like milk alternatives or cheeses on the Purple Plan list.

In their place are chicken, eggs, turkey and seafood.

Even though the Purple Plan list is shorter than the Simply Filling list, it is obvious that the goal is to find a better balance between zero points foods and daily tracking. Can you still eat all the foods that no longer make the list? Of course! You’ll simply have to track them.

What To Eat

Here is how the process of building a Purple Plan meal should look:

  1. Pick a zero points food or two (like a protein and a whole grain)
  2. Add some veggies
  3. Pack a flavor punch with herbs and spices
  4. Employ the use of some healthy fats or a little endulgance

With Purple, you’re likely to put together meals that total 2 or fewer points. This can be a little mind-blowing for some who may find themselves eating more just because they have the budget to do so.

If you need help with some recipes, here are some nutritious, simple, and easy WW Purple Zero Point meals.

Tips On Myww Purple

A few additional notes on the myWW Purple Plan:

  1. Although whole grains are on the zero points foods list, processed whole grains like oat flour should be tracked.
  2. “Whole grain” vs. “Whole wheat”: It can be confusing to understand packaging labels on foods. Keep in mind that “whole grain” means that the whole of any grain was used to make a product. Likewise, “whole wheat” reflects the fact that the whole wheat grain was used and processed in the product’s creation. Look out for labels like “made with whole grain” or “multigrain” which only indicates that multiple sources of grains were used and are not necessarily “whole grain” products.