Iodine Deficiency

Iodine. Most of us think of it as an antibacterial agent our grandmother’s used to put on our wounds. But did you know that iodine is something that the body absolutely must have in order to function?

We often think of goiters as a health problem from the old days. Unfortunately, goiters are making a comeback, as well as other problems. All because of an iodine deficiency.

The two supplements that we recommend are J.CROW'S Lugol's Solution and OPTIMOX Iodoral

Why Do We Need Iodine?

Iodine is actually a mineral. It’s one of the most important minerals in that your body needs it for proper thyroid function. Your thyroid is a control center for the production of hormones.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) contains approximately 50 percent less iodine than it did in the 1970’s and 1980’s.

A lack of iodine can lead to breast cysts, breast cancer and a host of other problems including:

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Weight gain
  • Heart disease
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Hair loss
  • Carpal tunnel or tendonitis
  • Dry skin/brittle fingernails
  • Menstrual problems
  • Intolerance to cold or low body temperature
  • High blood pressure
  • Feelings of anxiety
  • Infertility
  • Muscle cramps and/or joint pain

What Does My Body Use Iodine For?

While it might be easier to list what it doesn’t do, let’s take a look at just 10 of the functions that require iodine.

  1. Necessary for your thyroid to make hormones and prevent hyper and hypothyroidism.
  2. Activates hormone receptors, preventing certain cancers from forming.
  3. Decreases the need for insulin for diabetics.
  4. Supports protein synthesis.
  5. Kills mold, fungi, pathogens, parasites, and malaria.
  6. Supports a health immune system.
  7. Prevents heart disease.
  8. Hydrates cells while neutralizing hydroxylions.
  9. Supports a healthy, normal pregnancy.
  10. Supports protein synthesis.

While you might not know what all of these things are, your body certainly does!

Why Has Iodine Deficiency Become a Problem Again?

There are two main reasons why this is a problem in our modern lives.

We used to obtain iodine naturally from wheat products as iodine is used in the process of making flour. The bad news here is that almost all food manufacturers are now using bromide, rather than iodine, because it makes flour products rise higher and look better.

The problem with bromide is that, not only are manufacturers using it instead of iodine, bromide appears to block the absorption of iodine.

The second problem is due to the public's fear of salt. Almost all commercial table salts contain added iodine, while salt added to processed foods does not. Due to some misguided medical advice, people are avoiding table salt as much as possible. This isn't necessary, other than those who suffer from heart disease.

Even if you are using iodized salt, it loses its potency in just a few weeks, even while sitting in sealed containers on store shelves.

This combination of problems means that we are no longer getting the iodine our bodies must have to function.

How Do I Know if I Have Low Levels of Iodine?

The WHO (World Health Organization) states that approximately 72 percent of the world's population suffers from a deficiency of iodine, even though approximately 70 percent of all households have access to iodized salt. In one clinical study, conducted by thyroid expert Dr. David Brownstein, more than 96 percent of the 5,000 subjects tested were iodine deficient.

There isn't really an accurate iodine test as of today's writing. While doctors love to see numbers on a piece of paper, iodine levels via blood tests simply are not reliable. It is far better to see if any of your symptoms are relieved by taking iodine supplements.

If you have experienced any of the following, you might have an iodine deficiency:

  1. Low body temperature (under 98 degrees Fahrenheit or 36.6 Celsius)
  2. CFS, Fibromyalgia, or unexplained fatigue that does not go away with rest
  3. Breast cysts, breast cancer, or breast tenderness

Iodine Supplements

A very effective liquid form of iodine, called Lugols Iodine (J.CROW'S Lugol's Solution), is simple to use and works perfectly to cure an iodine deficiency. This mixture requires only 2 drops per day to give you all the iodine your body needs to function. This mixture is 85 percent distilled water, 10 percent potassium iodine, and 5 percent pure iodine. Some people find the metallic taste a bit much to handle, but mixing this into a glass of juice will make that taste barely noticeable.

Otherwise, if you decide to try a different supplement, look for one that contains a minimum of 12.5 and a maximum of 37.5 mgs of total iodine content. Depending on your size and weight, 2 to 6 drops of other supplements should be sufficient. Follow the dosage instructions on the label or ask your doctor.

Another popular supplement is the tablet form of Lugol's iodine. The tablet is called Iodoral (OPTIMOX Iodoral) and it comes in 12.5mgs, 7.5 mgs, and 50mgs per tablet. No prescription is necessary. The 50mg tablet contains 20 mgs of iodine and 30 mgs of iodide to prevent stomach upset or irritation.

Iodine Rich Foods

The easiest way to get your iodine naturally is to include foods that are high in this important mineral. Some of the best sources include:

  1. Sea Vegetables (Kelp, Arame, Kombu)
  2. Strawberries
  3. Cranberries
  4. Navy beans
  5. Potatoes
  6. Scallops
  7. Cod fish
  8. Yogurt
  9. Shrimp
  10. Sardines
  11. Cabbage
  12. Peas
  13. Swiss chard
  14. Lima beans
  15. Mozzarella cheese

Tuna and eggs are also good sources of iodine, especially if consumed regularly. For better health, be sure to buy organic as often as possible.

Being proactive is the best way to avoid an iodine deficiency and taking immediate action will help you to feel better fairly quickly. On average, most people begin to see and feel improvements in their energy levels and mood in about 2 weeks.